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Abit and the Web of Freedom
Author: Astehmari Batekun
Publisher: Peoplescience
@astehmari | 2024-11-26 12:38
This is a test of Zero Behr KICAS
This is a test of Zero Behr KICAS
This is a test of Zero Behr KICAS
@astehmari | 2024-11-23 21:12
The Story Begins:
Curvia Flows in the Realities of AlkebulanMeta
In an apparently faraway eXtended Reality, near to what we call “real”, everything was in a state of flow, networked one to the other and one to The All. This space, curvy and dynamic-natured, is AlkebulanMeta.
@astehmari | 2024-10-09 08:12
Travelling time.
Ding ding! Get on the bus!
#Transportation-VehicleDesign #VehicleAndTransportationDesign
@astehmari | 2024-09-30 19:44
Soil is important
@astehmari | 2024-09-12 13:43
A gateway to a new order.
@astehmari | 2024-09-09 16:17
I'm looking to take up the brewing of cider from rare apples. My lab is testing apples from all over the world for the right chemistry.
#OtherSTEM #Zygology #39
@astehmari | 2024-09-07 23:47
How do you make a globe? I Shaping Science: Episode 1
@astehmari | 2024-09-07 09:46
There must be a better way.
Let's create a forum, to discuss this.
#LandscapeArchitecture #LandscapeDesign #LandSoilStewardship #39
@astehmari | 2024-08-29 09:57
Have you got intermediated in the middle of your transmissions and is subject matter of these intelligences in the context?
#LevelBeing9Apiary #Time #Light #Stellarastronomy
@zacheriahyavuz | 2024-08-28 12:32
The only point I have to make is how some ones that may be new to the space may not be familiar with what AlkebulanMeta is or what an MMM is. I have a suggestion to include pictures in the story or stories, to enhance others visualization, other than this the story was great.
#TheStory #ክፍል|Ratio #Comparison #Proportionality #Patterns
@astehmari | 2024-08-27 23:17
check box test
How many #capitals should we have?
#MetaGeographicCapitals #capitals
@astehmari | 2024-08-27 22:52
If we hash the light and think about the #classics, then all is One.
#Light #LightCycles #Maat|MathEthics #ቁጥር|Number #classics
@astehmari | 2024-08-20 18:34
In the story RotBD
the 8 areas of the Special Project are interesting.
We'll need powertag to represent them and the story too.
@astehmari | 2024-08-20 18:32
In the story RotBD
the 8 areas of the Special Project are interesting.
We'll need powertag to represent them and the story too.
@astehmari | 2024-08-16 17:23
This is the time to 3dplay
The Call is going out... for the 81 seeds
@serhat | 2024-08-16 14:55
Sed velit dui, porta sit amet vestibulum in, lacinia ultrices tellus. Morbi aliquam feugiat nunc vitae suscipit. Cras lacinia felis et velit aliquet luctus. Ut pellentesque venenatis accumsan. Fusce et dapibus risus. Proin interdum pharetra tristique. Sed sed lectus nibh.
#lorem #ipsum
@serhat | 2024-08-16 14:54
Praesent faucibus pharetra eros, non condimentum libero efficitur a. Proin consequat felis ut efficitur scelerisque. Ut id congue tellus, et vehicula sem. Cras tincidunt vehicula porttitor. In id ultricies turpis. Suspendisse egestas libero at posuere aliquam.
@serhat | 2024-08-16 14:35
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin pharetra erat sed ante placerat congue. Nullam pharetra a diam sit amet laoreet. Curabitur nec accumsan sapien. Nulla facilisi. Aliquam quam nulla, varius ornare neque non, facilisis posuere nulla. In a justo sit ame
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0 | | | 0 | | | 0 | | | 0 | | | 0 |
#Costa Rica
#Dominican Republic
#El Salvador
#Holy See
0 Behr
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- A web3-integrated ebook format that uses eXtended reality (3D-Play) multimedia and embeds cryptoassets for a rich, immersive experience.
- STACs are NFTs, functioning as digital collectibles.
- They encapsulate intangible assets, making them exchangeable and tradeable.
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- FV (Future Value): Why will it have value in the future?
- SM (Scarcity Metric): How rare is it?
- D (Demand): What is the current market demand?
- MUF (Meaning, Utility, Function): What meaning, utility, or function does it serve?
- The Core Value Metric is the summary average of these factors. STAC Rarity Seals are based on this metric.
STACs are rare digital collectibles showcased in OW3Bks, revealing unique aesthetics, ethics, paradoxes, and integrity through an African lens. They address Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics, and the Arts (STEM+Arts), offering *Unified Knowledge* to people worldwide. As the first of their kind in education, STACs introduce a new asset class, advancing global equity in STEM education. This value exchange sets the foundation for the Alkebulan Network State of learners, empowering decentralized education and sovereign self-sustainability globally.
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